Breaking News

The year 2020 —– a year to remember but would like to forget.

Prakriti Bhavan Museum had emerged from a very successful 2019 – The inauguration of the Bronze Gallery and high footballs in Dec 2019.

Then came the bolt out of the blue, rumbling of a mystery disease culminating in the lockdown from mid-march 2020.

The Basant Utsav 2020 could barely be completed and the Museum came to a grinding halt immediately thereafter.

This closure continued till 17th November 2020 – a long 8 months of anxious wait and tremulous hope. There were some silver linings behind the darkness.

  • The upkeep and the maintenance of the museum continued throughout.
  • The basic remuneration of our staff was disbursed with generous donations from our members and friends of Prakriti Bhavan.
  • The office of the museum could be opened in July 2020 though the museum was closed to the public as the AO and staff attended on rotation with COVID precautions.
  • Prakriti Bhavan is ready to resume the social outreach programs.

Last but not the least, the founder President and artist Subrata Basu formally handed over his Natures Sculptures and Nature Sculptures in Bronze through an MOU with the Prakriti Bhavan Society. It is now for Prakriti Bhavan to take care of the display and the items.

To know more about Prakriti Bhavan visit:

  • Google – Prakriti Bhavan Santiniketan.
  • Google – Prakriti Bhavan Santiniketan You Tubes created by many visitors from time to time.
  • West Bengal State Tourism Blog, Category Prakriti Bhavan


Prakriti Bhavan Nature Art Museum, Santiniketan

Tourists and visitors are all welcome

Prakriti Bhavan Museum now open daily from 9 am to 5 pm

Join the Nature Aesthetics movement connecting Man and Nature through Art not only as an observer but as a participant through your creative imagination to know your innermost self. Spread the Good Word.

Your comment, photos, and videos on the Net (Google) are most welcome.
